Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4th, 2010

Okay, today I woke up and played on the computer some. A little bit later, we had to go to the mall. It was the third day trying to buy my mom's and dad's bed! "Sigh." And we ate at this lunch place 'cause they don't have McDonald's breakfast. During "lunch/breakfast" we met up a friend. Then I went to buy a Brazil pillow. The place I bought the pillow is called "Loja Americanas" (Americas store).

When we finished at the furniture store my family all packed up in the car and head for the bank because the credit card is blocked. It's going to be fixed Monday, I think.

When we get home I have to deal with my sister for a few minutes. After that, Lillian, Uncle Gui, and I went to play soccer I fell on the field once I only realized when I put spray sunscreen on. "ayyyyy ow ow ow water!" Then I splash water all over my knee. Oh, and before that I had turned on the hose and then walked to the other side of the house because the is a HUGE gate between the handle and the end of the hose. So I'm on the other side of the fence now and my sister says "Viv" I say "What?" you'll never guess what she said next..."There's a hole in the hose." Oh my gosh. And to think my uncle is waiting for us to head back to the field. Soon enough, Uncle Gui comes back so, we all drink some water then, play some more. I soon get tired and head off to play more computer. I chat with a friend on skype without calling just typing and send an e-mail to my class. later I call my friend using skype. play the computer wander around wanting food but too lazy to get it. then, I come and find my self writing on my blog.

Long day, eh?

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